Top 20 NuGet testing Packages

A simple abstraction layer over file system like APIs
framework for faking external web services for acceptance tests
WebDriver for Google Chrome
A set of extension methods helpful when building unit tests. Methods include functionality for creating random data of various types, converting data types, comparing date data, searching within string arrays, etc.
A small utility to post-process an OpenCover XML file
Fable bindings for Jest
Gravity API Standalone Server (SOAP and WebApi) for in-project implementation
STA Extensions for the Microsoft Test Framework - MSTest V2
Testing helpers using Moq
This is an extension of Smocks for mocking Generic methods in external libraries. It is a forked git library from "feng3245/Smocks". Smocks is a library for mocking the normally unmockable. It can mock static and non-virtual methods and properties, amongst others. Change Log 0.7.5-beta2 Updated ...
Library to help simplify unit testing code which uses the .NET HttpClient
With t-rex, you can explore the results of your most recent test run. It discovers, parses, and displays the contents of .trx files.
A dotnet CLI tool for running tests in multiple projects
Dotnet test on steroids - discovers testable projects, executes tests with code coverage, merges results of all test projects into one coverage result and generates reports
Package Description
StatLight: Tool for executing Silverlight test xap packages or dll assemblies locally during development and in a continuous integration environment.
TripleA is an extensible framework for building components for use in test frameworks to target system and deployment verification.
Jasmine specification runner support for Cassette.
This package provides just NUnit (v2.6.4) console and gui runners (no x86) for .NET 4. It is a modification of the package NUnit.Runners. DO NOT INSTALL using Visual Studio package manager (not even the console). DO INSTALL with nuget command line: "nuget.exe install nunit.runners.lite -Output...
Test helpers for domain and WCF.