Top 20 NuGet testing Packages

TripleA.StoryQ contains extensions to integrate TripleA based tests into the StoryQ BDD framework.
Unit testable classes wrappers for CLR
A library of test utilities. It is named after the author who wrote the book of James in the Bible. (James 1:2-3)
Gets you up and going with a DotNet app quicker by providing common classes to help with writing automated tests.
Provides the NUnit and Moq integration classes for TestFirst.Net. See TestFirst.Net docs
Moksy is an open source .Net library for stubbing, mocking and simulating web services. Intended to be driven from MsTest (or your favorite testing framework), Moksy will create a real HTTP Server end-point that your system under test or other services can hit. For example: Moksy.Common.Proxy p...
Please switch to the "tsUnit" package, which works for external modules too. This package will eventually be deprecated. Thank you.
Track and classify technical debt at the source code level and report on it.
A library of helpers for the purpose of testing message-based services using MassTransit. It is named after the author who wrote the book of James in the Bible. (James 1:2-3)
Sourcery for SauceLabs - Unlocking SauceLabs capability (Commercial product from Only $499.)
Concordion.NET is a framework for Behavior Driven Development (BDD) that enables developers, testers and business analysts to build executable specifications in free-form using plain English. A Concordion.NET active specification consists of two parts: a well-formed XHTML document describing the fun...
Provide a temporary directory and deploy files from Assembly Resources or Network Share with automatic cleanup after each test. Improved for parallel integration tests.
Brings an AutoMockFeature which initializes AutoFixture with FakeItEasy.
Add LocalDbContextFeature to your TestFixture (F2F.Testing.MSTest)
uScoober.TestFramework: Graphic Display Interface
A library to allow faking of client http logic with System.Net.Http. Supports recording and playback of responses. Particularly useful for separating client-side unit tests from web services.
Fork of SpecsFor.Mvc project. It is fixed to work with Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 4.6
A ApprovalTests.Net reporter and approver to be used to unit test Neo4j with the Neo4jClient .net client