Top 20 NuGet microsoft Packages

A member of the Visual Studio SDK
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Microsoft Azure Key Vault Core Class Library This library has been replaced by the following new Azure SDKs. You can read about the new Azure SDKs at The latest libraries to interact with the Azure KeyVault service are: *
MacroView.VSTO is a collection of assemblies that makes working with Microsoft VSTO easier. This package contains the code that applies to all Microsoft Office applications. Specifically: - Extension methods - WPF helpers - Logging classes
Provides ADAL based authentication for Azure management client libraries
This package contains Timers and File triggers. For more information, please visit
Independentsoft.Exchange is .NET API for Microsoft Exchange server and Microsoft 365. Supports .NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET Standard.
Microsoft Graph Client Library allows you to call Office 365, Azure AD and other Microsoft services through a single unified developer experience.
Microsoft Power BI Core Libraries
Microsoft Azure Key Vault WebKey Class Library This library has been replaced by the following new Azure SDKs. You can read about the new Azure SDKs at The latest libraries to interact with the Azure KeyVault service are: *
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Libraries, CPU-Only Build
This package contains the runtime assemblies for Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Logging.ApplicationInsights. For more information, please visit
Provides resource group and resource management capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
This client library enables working with the Microsoft Azure Storage File service for storing binary and text data. For this release see notes - and ...
This client library enables client applications to perform bulk operations in Azure Cosmos DB for SQL, Gremlin and MongoDB APIs. The BulkImport module (supported for SQL, Gremlin and MongoDB API) provides functionality to bulk ingest documents with optimizations to maximally utilize the alloca...
Redis messaging backplane for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm.