Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

Generates folder layout with samples for MSBTest.
Simple Test Framework for MSBuild Scripts
Adds support for file based package references in msbuild based .net core projects
By installing this package you can easily incorporate the HashingMSBuild.RewindTimestamps task in the build process of your Visual C++ projects. RewindTimestamps calculates and stores hash values and last modified dates of source files (i.e. header and cpp files). On subseqent builds, source files w...
Adds support for file based package references in msbuild based .net core projects
Simple Git prerelease versioning integrated into SDK-based msbuild projects. See for details
Adds packages.config support for msbuild based .net core projects
Provides an MSBuild logger that pushes messages to a SignalR hub where it can be viewed remotely in real time.
Build tasks to generate version information from version tags in a Git repository. The default pattern parses semantic version tags, but you can override the pattern to parse version tags using your own format. There are separate tasks to retrieve version properties such as MajorVersion, MinorVersi...
Adds support for txt based package references in msbuild based .net core projects
Adds MSBuild targets to C# projects that rewrite "version" tag of the $(ProjectName).nuspec file found at the root of the project's directory, using the most recent version from the VSpec.json file also located at the root of the project.
MSBuild targets to get your SFNuGet Service Fabric services in amongst that application of yours.
A custom logger that supports emitting messages with full color, with the syntax '{message:color}, where color can be a named color or a hex value starting with '#'.
The MSBuild tasks to provide SwapFile and clean up folder on publish.
An Updated MSBuild target for linting TypeScript code using TSLint.
This package contains MSBuild targets to support packaging other assemblies from the project output directory into the SharePoint solution package. It enables the use of special tokens in the source path for custom assemblies within the solution’s `Package.package` file. The supported tokens are `$O...
Automatic SemVer 2.0 versioning for .NET through repository properties. Customisable MSBuild extension that adds new targets for automatic VCS-based versioning compliant with SemVer 2.0. Supports Bazaar (bzr), Git, Mercurial (hg) and Subversion (svn).
Allows emitting arbitrary assembly attributes, compatible between SDK-style projects and classic ones. Usage: declare @(AssemblyAttribute) items to include, such as: <ItemGroup> <AssemblyAttribute Include="[ATTRIBUTE_FULL_TYPENAME]" _Parameter1="[CTOR_ARG]" _ParameterN="[CTOR_ARG_N]" /> </...
MSBuild targets for compiling a TFS version build, GIT hash repo path into .NET assemblies.