Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

MinCat MVC Helper
Versioning tools for MSBuild
Adds basic MSBuild script and required infrastructure to your solution.
The ASP.NET MVC 4 integration with Frappe. Frappe is a compile time bundler for JavaScript, Css, and Less for high volume, high performance ASP.NET sites.
Core libs for Rosalia framework.
MSBuild tasks for creating an appcast.xml and a release notes file for Netsparkle from
A PowerShell module to easily edit MsBuild project files.
MsBuild task for precompilation of Underscore.js templates.
MSBuild targets for Web and WebApplications that come with Visual Studio. Useful for build servers that do not have Visual Studio installed.
Several tasks simplifying PDB file operation like SVN source indexing. Based on SK Genius work VSSourceIndexing (
Dalmatian Build Tools provides additional functionality to use C# as a build script and release script language. Note: This tool is currently in Alpha and is subject to change.
MS Build tasks for not so common needs.
An assembly versioning task for MSBuild.
Auto update assembly version's build number and revision parts accoring to TFS's changeset id and modified date. Set Configuration property with 'Release' prefix to turn this feature on.
Injects all dependent Developer Express runtime libraries into the WPP process.
TypeScript + Web Essential 3.0 Compile-on-Save enabler msbuild targets.
You can use this NuGet package to make working with NuGet Package Restore easier from build servers. If you want to ship Build updates in a NuGet package then you can use this package to help users create scripts to resotre the NuGet packages before the build starts. For detailed info o...
This package provides custom MSBuild tasks: download a file from internet, merge files, helpers to generate and verify assembly versions, tasks for Google Closure Compiler and YUICompressor.