Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

This addin is no longer maintained. Please use Cake.Issues.MsBuild instead. The MsBuild support for the Pull Request Code Analysis Addin for Cake allows you to write any issues logged as warnings in a MsBuild log as comments to a pull request.
Amends the Visual Studio build process allowing each developer to work with their own settings in the web.config or app.config files.
Add an msbuild task to automatically compile your apps runtime identifier
Cake host for ClickTwice publishing, including the addin and all required libraries
Public API for PS.Build adaptation toolchain.
PS.Build adaptation toolchain engine.
This package contains the localized satellite assemblies for MSBuild. Reference this package only if you want msbuild output to be localized in cs;de;en;es;fr;it;ja;ko;pl;pt-BR;ru;tr;zh-Hans;zh-Hant.
A class library for generating an MSBuild command-line
This package provides the MSBuild, local run and deploy tools that support the CI/CD of Stream Analytics Visual Studio projects. You can find detailed instructions in readme.txt file
MSBuild task that renders StringTemplate4 templates before compilation. Usage details reside in the GitHub repository.
Provides the $(PR) property with the pull request number that triggered a continuous integration build (or empty otherwise). Supports VSTS, Travis, AppVeyor and Jenkins.
Provides the $(CI) property to detect a continuous integration build. Supports TeamCity, AppVeyor, MyGet, Jenkins, Wrench, VSTS and Travis.
Dependency-free support for Gulp.js, Grunt.js, Node.js, and NPM
MSBuild tasks to turn C# file into colors.xml for Android.
Render SVG file as part of the build.
MSBuild task for regular expression pattern matching for MSBuild properties like this: <RegexMatch Input="$(Foo)" Pattern="^Hello"> <Output TaskParameter="Match" PropertyName="Result" /> </RegexMatch>
Automatically checks that installed NuGet packages match certain versions.