Top 20 NuGet json Packages

Lanymy.Common.Helpers.SerializeHelper.File 通用辅助类库. 序列化 ; 压缩 ; 数据流加密 ; 文件操作 ; 枚举扩展 ; 沙盒操作 ; 进程 ; 二维码 ; 反射 ; 版本 ; 流水号 ; 验证码 ; CMD命令行操作器 ; ffmpeg辅助类 ; 加密/解密 ;
This library contains converters dependent on the Newtonsoft.Json package for use with Microsoft.Spatial when using the Azure SDK for .NET.
Package to use external JSON data in Gherkin scenarios
Package to use external JSON data in Gherkin scenarios
This package provides a programing interface to send text messages
Json Transformer
Ext Direct router implementation for ASP.NET wrapper for the V2 API
Provides JSON (de)serialization support using ServiceStack.Text.
xUnit tests for netfx-System.BsonSerializer
xUnit tests for netfx-System.JsonNetSerializer
A Json.NET-based MediaTypeFormatter for the WebApi that can handle text-based Json as well as binary Json (Bson). To use: var config = HttpHostConfiguration.Create().UseJsonNet();
Resources Over MVC is not meant to be prescriptive about what constitutes a RESTful web service, there are plenty of opinions out on the web regarding that matter! In fact it was deliberately not called "Rest Over MVC" to avoid the assumption that using this assembly would magically mean your web se...
ServiceStack client binaries for Silverlight. Provides generic JSON, XML and JSV Service Clients allowing you to call ServiceStack web services from a Silverlight client. This is now a stub that points to ServiceStack.Common NuGet package which now contains the Silverlight client builds.
Json.NET support for Spring.NET REST Client Framework
Spring.NET REST Client Testing Framework
Spring.NET Social Framework extension for Dropbox
Spring.NET Social Framework extension for Twitter
TakeIo.Client connects to platform and enables you to access the RESTful API in a very simple manner. Refer to the online documentation for more info.
Wraps the entire RESTful API