Top 20 NuGet json Packages

CHIMP EOS JSON camera metadata writer
CHIMP JSON camera metadata provider
CHIMP JSON camera tree metadata provider
CHIMP JSON camera list metadata provider
A JSON implementation of ISerializer provided by Greentube.Serialization
Lightweight and asynchroneous JSON-RPC protocol implementation for clients and servers.
JSON converters and helpers for use with Newtonsoft.Json.
Authentication and service implementation for the Google API.
Fluent configuration for Json.NET v9 library. Tried to follow Fluent NHibernate mapping style. Implemented as converter and contract resolver.
Fluent configuration for Json.NET v11-beta3 library. Tried to follow Fluent NHibernate mapping style. Implemented as converter and contract resolver.
Fluent configuration for Json.NET v10 library. Tried to follow Fluent NHibernate mapping style. Implemented as converter and contract resolver.
A fake service to help application development
Authentication and service implementation for the Vimeo API.
TinyJson json serializer for dependency injection service
SimpleJson json serializer for dependency injection service
NetJSON json serializer for dependency injection service
Jil json serializer for dependency injection service
Azure storage for EasyDocDb - stores documents as files in Azure (as Blobs).
A handy collection of utilties for working with JSON, settings, and more.