Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

Allows SQL Server Compact 4.0 to be used with Entity Framework Core
Cheers data finder and repository implementation with EntityFrameworkCore
Fork from MikaelEliasson's EntityFramework.Utilities. Custom shcema issue fixed and command timeout added. Fixes are taken from LambdaCruiser and Anthyme. Update operation time out issue fixed. Time out is infinity by default for all operations.Bulk operations now can use check constraints.
Provides GeoJSON.Net Converters from / to the EntityFramework Spatial types.
The Platformus.Security extension component.
Part of the Platformus.Navigation Platformus extension.
Part of the Platformus.Navigation Platformus extension.
The Platformus.Globalization extension component.
The Platformus.Domain extension component.
The Platformus.Domain extension component.
CloudFoundry Connector Extensions for Entity Framework
EntityFramework extensions for the Ayaka development kit.
This package contains data access infrastructure to allow for the simple creation of Entity Framework Core repositories.
Entity Framework Repository Pattern
A library that extends the functionality of Entity Framework by adding batch update, future queries and audit logs.
This project is not an official entity framework core library. It aims to give the ability to seed values inside the database for testing/integration purpose.
A Lightweight .NET Package for CRUD(Create,Read,Update,Delete) methods against a DbContext Database.
Auto discover IEntityTypeConfiguration classes.