Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

HSharp 数据访问组件,封装EntityFrameworkCore的Sqlite数据访问功能的实现
HSharp 数据访问组件,封装EntityFrameworkCore的SqlServer数据访问功能的实现
Package Description
Interoperability between Funcky and EF Core
EntityFramework Core support for Rsk.Saml.DuendeIdentityServer
EntityFramework Core support for Rsk.Saml.IdentityProvider. Requires the addition of Rsk.Saml.DuendeIdentityServer.EntityFramework.
EntityFramework Core support for Rsk.Saml.IdentityServer4
Extensions to provide consistent configurations and patterns for your service.
DrivenDb is a better microORM. Unique features, excellent performance, and cleaner code in as few trips to the database as possible.
An EntityFramework implementation of the unit of work pattern
EntityFramework 6 provider for Identity 3.0.
EntityFramework.Toolkit is a library which provides implementations for EntityFramework best practices, patterns, utilities and extensions.
MySQL database provider for Entity Framework Core.
No description.
My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC Entity Framework Core components.