Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

Provides an extension method over the Entity Framework DbContext for bulk insertion of entities.
Complete Hood CMS Package, includes all default controllers for basic setup, packaged with the Bootstrap 4 default theme.
One stop solution for entity framework pagination, sorting and filtering.
This is a shared package. It is not intended for direct reference. It is consumed by the LightQuery and LightQuery.EntityFrameworkCore packages
Projeto em andamento. Biblioteca com classes base de infra para arquitetura de microserviços utilizando DDD
Entity Framework Core repository framework for Bix
NewenNetworks Standard SDK
RocketMod .NET Game Server Plugin Framework EntityFrameworkCore InMemory integration
Target .NetFramework 4.5.1 y NetStandard 2.0 (.Net Core 2.0) Intefaces de acceso a datos mediante Entity Framework: -IContext -IDbContext -IBaseUnitOfWork -IRepository
Use this to extend Entity Framework functionality to store changes in database. This is very useful for auditing purpose. It stores WHO changed WHAT and WHEN. It will let you choose which tables and columns you want to track with the help of attributes. Forked from Bilal Fazlani to support EF Core ...
Easy Mock wrapper for mocking EF6 DbContext and DbSet using Moq
Easy Mock wrapper for mocking EF6 DbContext and DbSet using NSubstitute
Package Description
Postgresql support for package Authfix.EntityFrameworkCore.Seed.
An Entity Framework Core implementation of Orleans Grain Storage.
Contains some useful interface definitions and implementations classes for .Net.
Xunit + Entity Framework Core RoushTech Toolkit
Extends rather static .NET IdentityFramework Policies of fine grained IAM rules for better and more dynamic Authorization handling.
The `[IndexColumn]` attribute that is the revival of `[Index]` attribute for EF Core. (with extension for model building.) This package also provides [PrimaryKey] attribute.
Linq extensions to Entity Framework Core 3.1 to support Microsoft SQL Server Temporal Table Querying. *** Does not perform Migrations, but ensures that Linq queries correctly propagate "FOR SYSTEM_TIME" across all joined tables *** Icons made by Smashicons