Top 20 NuGet cqrs Packages

Dolittle is a platform designed to build Line of Business applications without sacrificing architectural quality, code quality or scalability.
Dolittle is a platform designed to build Line of Business applications without sacrificing architectural quality, code quality or scalability.
Integration to allow the use of NEventStoreAsync with AggregateSourceAsync.
This package contains Json and Bson serializers for NEventStoreAsync library. These serializers were removed from the core package to limit dependencies from external libraries.
Additional persistence provider for NEventStoreAsync using SQL.
Additional persistence provider for NEventStore using Azure Blob storage.
Simple Event Bus Library for NetStandard. Based on @songdongsheng EventBus
A library providing a generic one-way event routing mechanism for any kind of events.
Create ASP.NET Web Demo project by CQRS pattern.
Create ASP.NET Web project by CQRS pattern.
Entity Framework Core database provider for Kledex domain store.
CosmosDB (SQL API) database provider for Kledex domain store.
CosmosDB (MongoDB API) database provider for Kledex domain store.
Service Bus provider for Kledex message bus.
RabbitMQ provider for Kledex message bus.
A query parser implemented with Irony compiler generator.
An event store implementation with Microsoft SQL Server.
An event store implementation with PostgreSQL.
Contains generic definition of widely used queries for retrieving single or range of objects
Contains generic definition of widely used command for create/update/delete operations