Top 20 NuGet cqrs Packages

Package Description
Http (HAL) provider for SQL Stream Store
Kledex Redis Cache Provider
EventSourcing, ES, CQRS, DDD, ProtoActor
A package containing .NET interfaces for reading/writing CQRS ViewModels in a generic way.
AzureServiceBus Transport for Eventfully
Lightweight Reliable Messaging Framework with Outbox
AzureKeyVault KeyProvider for Messaging
Extensions for Command Query Responsability Segregation with Mediator, supporting Dependency Injection and extensible middleware based pipelines.
Extensions for gRPC Services which simplify separating implementations of the service methods into CQRS like `ICommand`/`IQuery` implementation classes.
Entity Framework Cosmos database provider for Kledex domain store.
Lightweight Reliable Messaging Framework with Outbox
Tyrion is a mediator implementation for dotnet
Extension to inject Solyanka.ServiceBus to Microsoft.DependencyInjection
The vlingo/PLATFORM tooling for reactive Domain-Driven Design models that are highly concurrent. Includes Compute Grid, Actor Caching, Object Spaces, Cluster Cross-Node Messaging, CQRS, and Event Sourcing support.
EventSourcing, ES, CQRS, DDD, Projection
Work guidelines for implementing CQRS using supporting infrastructure for DDD