Top 20 NuGet cqrs Packages

Provides a mostly default implementation of a Spritely.Cqrs read model JSON database on top of SQL Server.
Package Description
Additional interfaces and core implementations for LoreKeeper.
Entity Framework 6 implementation of LoreKeeper.
Pooka.Repo.EF A simple CQRS repository
Use Akka.NET actors in CQRS.NET
Azure Transports and EventStore for NDomain, an extensible DDD CQRS ES framework.
Redis transports and subscription storage for NDomain, an extensible DDD CQRS ES framework.
An extension for FluentProjections package. Impements persistence with SQL database package.
Common interfaces and helpers for working with MessageRouter
Event sourcing persistance implementation using MySQL and NHibernate.
An embedded RavenDB powered event store for MementoFX
Excqape interfaces provide support for the combination of several design patterns: the Command Pattern, the Decorator Pattern, and the 'Exchange' Pattern. It abstracts any storage paradigm (relational, key-value, document, etc.), without the ugliness of repositories.
Package Description
A library for .NET designed to remove some of the complexity from denormalization
An Unity-based type resolver for Postie
OWIN middleware for creating a customisable command processing pipeline in CQRS applications
Build projections and deliver scheduled commands for Its.Domain using SQL and Alluvial.