Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

Azure support for Sharp.BlobStorage, a very simple .NET interface to blob storage.
Provides management capabilities for Microsoft Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service.
A library for using Azure Search in connection with a bot built with the MS Bot Framework.
As of 01/23/2018 you can send data to Azure Log Analytics with the HTTP Data Collector API (public preview) from a REST API client. This package implements this as a Logging Provider for ASP.NET Standard 2.0
A leveldb implementation in C#
A Fluent Queue Client for creating Azure Storage Queues and Consumers
Tools for genearting API documentiation using OpenApi/Swagger specifications
Microsoft Azure Management Maps Library
BeatPulse.AzureServiceBus is the health check package for Azure EventHub, and Azure Service Bus Queues and Topics on BeatPulse
Set of Azure Function Extensions. Currently bindings: - Redis - HttpCall - EventGrid - Azure SignalR
Service bus body serialization library. For usage please see in the repository.
Encryption support for Azure Service Bus. For usage please see in the repository.
eShopWorld cahching extensions for cosmos DB
Provides management operations support for Azure Dev Spaces.
Dynamics 365/CE Application Insights logging for JavaScript/TypeScript. This contains the minified, unminified, map, TypeScript, and TypeScript definition files needed to implement Azure Application Insights logging as well as the content from the original Microsoft implementation.
Retrieve logs from a WADLogsTable and write them to a CSV file.
Redis implementation of CircuitBreakerBroker support for the Clockwise command scheduling library.
Provides contracts for Azure resource events
Core Library for Microsoft Application Insights Profiler.
Microsoft Azure Functions Rust Worker