Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

Azure Notifier for Xamarin.Forms
This package is synced with the Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource package. The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations to persist events published by a subclass of EventSource, This add-on packages adds support to persisting log entries in Windows Azure table...
This package provides a C# based durable task framework for writing long running applications.
Support for DICOMweb services (QIDO-RS, STOW-RS, WADO-RS and WADO-URI) that allows you to build your own DICOMweb server.
Core library for the DICOMcloud project with I/O file storage, DICOM dataset XML/JSON convertersand core DICOM Services implementation (Store, Query, Retrieve...)
Azure Service Bus support for the Clockwise command scheduling library.
Provides a reusable set of abstractions and classes for using the Microsoft Azure Mobile Client.
Provides a reusable set of abstractions and classes for using the Microsoft Azure Mobile Client.
Provides a reusable set of abstractions and classes for using the Microsoft Azure Mobile Client
In short it enables the ability for POCO's to NOT have to inherit from TableEntity and allows for secondary indexes to be defined via a contextually managed set of partitioned keys. For a full description and the source code go to
Middleware to initiate a proper identity in an aspnet core application when using azure appservice authentication.
The Ball Device Client - Beta 0.9.8
This packages is intended for users of Semantic Login that want to seamlessly convert logs captured by SL and send them to Application Insights service on Azure
Implementation of the IEventStore interface for the SimpleCQRS library that uses Azure Table Storage as the backend.
Provides extension methods for Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client.DocumentClient that streamline CRUD operations against a Cosmos DB graph using generated Gremlin script.
Implementing the Repository pattern for use MongoDb
TNX Function Module common lib - IContinuousFunction - IParallelFunction - IPriorityFunction
Provides an 'Azure Blob Storage' filesystem abstraction layer to FileSystemAbstraction.
Azure Blob based lease manager for use with Topshelf.Leader.
Execute containerized jobs on Azure Batch via Batch Shipyard. Requires Python.