Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

Contains an implementation of a Reader/Write sink for AzureDocumentDb for the Invisionware Settings Library
Contains an implementation of a Reader/Write sink for Azure Blob and File Storage for the Invisionware Settings Library
Contains an implementation of a Reader/Write sink for Json.NET for the Invisionware Settings Library
Provides a reusable set of abstractions and classes for using the Microsoft Azure Mobile Client.
MMSC Token Helper would create token for you. You need to create app in app registration in azure. Just supply Client id, Client Secrete, Username and Password.
The CData Azure Table Storage Provider allows you to connect to Azure tables.
MVC Core specific wrapper around the Azure Blob Storage to handle container instantiations
Windows Service Bus (on-premises and Azure) transport layer for Nimbus
Package Description
Unified Bucket CloudStorage API for Xamarin.iOS by CloudRail provided an easy solution to store and retrieve. This interface includes Amazon Web Services S3, Backblaze, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure Storage, Rackspace. Get a free license key at: Feature...
Toy Storage is a lightweight and extensible data access framework for Azure Blob Storage.
Utility tools for Microsoft Azure DocumentDB
Microsoft Azure Service Bus transport support for the Obvs Framework.
Client Library for Accessing Azure API Management
Readthru local store implementation for Azure Mobile Services client SDK
A set of Configuration Builders for the .Net Framework that draw from Azure resources.
Microsoft Azure Management Power BI Embedded Library
Host executables for the LightBlue lightweight Azure development platform
Azure Storage implementation of Identity stores (like IUserStore and others)