Top 20 NuGet Packages

ThinkNet integration with EntityFramework.
A calculation provider containing the IPC protocol for building a Thinknode app using .NET languages.
// 版本号码:前3码是对应原生SDK版号,后1码是Nuget上传版号 public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); var btn1 = new UIButton() { BackgroundColor = new UIColor(0,0,255,255), Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(50, 50, 200, 100) }; btn1.SetTitle ("Order", UIControlState.Normal); bt...
A formula parser with fluent API that allows parsing and evaluation of mathematically formulas. Features: functions, constants, variables, scientific numbers, focus on customization and flexibility.
Client library of Thinktecture.IdentityModel. Includes OAuth2 and OpenID Connect client and helpers for parsing token and authorize responses, Epoch Time helpers, extensions methods for HttpClient.
So if you using MT message for banking operation or Posting messages for companies. You can send transliteration message on QAZAQ your partners.
This library helps understand the Parent child hierarchy of a .Net 'Assembly' and .Net 'Type'. AnalyzeAssembly contain .Net 'Assembly' related features and AnalyzeType provide .Net 'Type' related features.
this.Log-log4net is the log4net plugin to this.Log logging extension.
this.Log-log4net.Sample is a sample of how to use the log4net plugin to this.Log logging extension.