Top 20 NuGet Packages

Generate the report of SpecFlow test run and send the report via email. Screenshot will be attached to the report for failed test cases, which is useful for UI testing.
Package Description
Custom patterns could be seen from UIAVerify tool (see TestStack's fork of it) and handy to use in WPF apps because pattern registration has some means to inject new pattern into existing AutomationPeer's structure. Also was tested to some extent with WinForms.
Excel data reader to create test data adapters. The adapter support xlsx and xml spreadsheet 2003 files
Umbrella NuGet Package for Testware Automation APIs
Create NuGet packages for Testware Web Controls used during the Spider project...
Test indirect NuGet warning
CultureInfo is Platform dependent. This library holds all cultures extracted from Win10. Using it ensures that you have the same cultures across different Operation Systems.
Small helper library that helps setting up IoC for BlazorFileReader by exposing the extension method AddFileReader on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection. For use with Blazor WebAssembly projects only. Not necessary nor compatible with Server-side Blazor projects.
A .NET texture IO and processing library that wraps the FreeImage and Nvidia Texture Tools libraries. The library is able to import and export dozens of image formats, create mipmap chains, and compress textures for GPUs. This release targets version 3.18.0 of FreeImage and a (modified) version 2.1....
ASP.NET Core JsonViewer Component for Server-Side Blazor Based-on Alenaksu's Json-Viewer
Texnomic ENS PublicResolver Library.
Text command parsing library
For import texts, preprocessing it and export results
Simple Text base reporting Service Library
(No plugins included.) TextExt’s modular design allows you easily turn a standard HTML text input into a wide range of modern, tailored to your needs input field without bloating your source code and slowing down your site with the code that you aren’t using.
TextMatch is a library for searching inside texts using Lucene query expressions. Supports all types of Lucene query expressions - boolean, wildcard, fuzzy. Options are available for tweaking tokenization, such as case-sensitivity and word stemming.
TextPub reads (optionally Markdown formatted) text files from disk and wraps them in an API for easy publishing.
A .NET Library to access TextRazor over REST.