Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Helper methods for unit testing.
Various tools for collections, DateTime, Luhn, Compare and Assembly.
Framework for a simple command line program. Takes care of argument parsing for you.
Base classes to access Sql databases.
Base classes to connect to an Sql database using SMO. Useful for running migration scripts that include the "GO" batch separator.
Framework for creating a procedure-based winforms application. Simply define the user input and procedure listings, and the program will take care of the rest.
The core components to build .NET Core projects along with Genocs Library.
The Genocs Library .NET Core to be used with MongoDB as persistence datalayer..
a library to make logging with log4net easier
Basic Services and Resources Development Library for .Net.
The Ticketmaster Discovery API client contains the implementation of all methods supported by Open Ticketmaster Discovery API. [1](
A CSharp library used to access's WebAPI.
A simple and straightforward HOTP and TOTP library for .NET.
Provides DDD objects with the mediatR library.
Library for reading and writing CSV and Fixed Width files into a class or struct similar to XmlSerializer.