Top 20 NuGet Packages

SimpleInjector dependency injection library adapter for FluentDataAnnotations.Mvc
Json.NET Adapter for FluentDataContract. Use FluentContractResolver as the IContractResolver.
A fluent style wrapper and extension of TPL Dataflow.
FluentDbTools provides a fluent SQL abstraction layer for creating database connections, building sql queries and migrating your database.
Fluent syntax for decompressing archives, powered by SharpCompress.
Fluent, POCO friendly, convention-based mappings for DynamoDb. Get your fluent on :-)
A fluent endurance automation framework
Package Description
Fluent C# API for the Ergast Developer API.
Plug-in for FluentFactory. Integrates Ninject IoC to the factory and provides fluent API for getting dependencies.
A lightweight fluent builder that easily creates file filter strings such as those used in OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog.
A small library to create file importers using a fluent syntax.
Provides HtmlHelpers and AspNetCore Mvc TagHelpers for the FontAwesome CSS framework.
Provides HtmlHelpers for the FontAwesome CSS framework.
Fluent syntax for guarding/validating variable state in your application
Fluent Html Helper for ASP.NET MVC
FluentIL helper to Mono.Cecil.
A Fluent JSON library for building Knockout view models (or any other JSON object) built on top of JSON.NET.