Top 20 NuGet Packages

A Package that allows you to toggle features on and off
FlipperDotNet is a feature-flagging system. This package makes use of Redis as a storage backend.
A small copy framework; dynamically emits copiers to copy an object to another similarly structured object.
FlitBit Core - frameworks, utilities, and extensions for dotNet.
Dynamically emitted, stereotypical implementation of data-transfer-objects.
An MVC 4 model binder for FlitBit.DTO.
A framework over reflection emit making dynamic assembly IL a bit more OO.
Inversion of Control supporting dynamic implementations, and stereotypical behavior contributions.
Shared functionality for the .net web stack (Mvc, WebApi, SignalR, Etc) for FlitBit.IoC framework.
An implementation of FlitBit.Parse's little language parser/tokenizer for JSON.
Dynamically emitted, stereotypical implementation of object identity.
Experimental framework for custom network protocols.
Contains a small abstraction for working with representations of objects.
Utilities for bootstrapping applications and wiring up dependencies.
Flitesys.GeographicLib is a C# port of Charles Karney's GeographicLib ( This product is released under MIT license per the original product.
Flow based programming for .NET
Custom control for your Xamarin.Forms project.
FloatingActionMenu Binding For Xamarin.Android
FloatingLabel Binding For Xamarin.Android