Top 20 NuGet Packages

An extension for FluentProjections package. Impements property mapping using AutoMapper package.
An extension for FluentProjections package. Impements property mapping using ValueInjecter package.
Uma lib de machine learning para simular um serviço cognitivo para responder perguntas de usuários consultando uma base de conhecimento previamente carregada.
A fluent-style API for created Azure Table Storage queries.
Caching operators for FluentRestBuilder.
Entity Framework Core operators for FluentRestBuilder.
HAL operators for FluentRestBuilder.
A fluent API to build specification enforced siren entities.
A fluent API to build specification enforced siren entities. (ASP.NET Framework 4.5+ WebApi integration)
Abstraction layer for Specification design pattern. Contains also interfaces and structures for validation and Linq scenarios. Commonly used types: - FluentSpecification.Abstractions.Generic.ISpecification - FluentSpecification.Abstractions.Generic.IValidationSpecification - FluentSpecification.Abst...
Implementation of Spotify authorization flows for ASP.NET Core apps.
Implementation of Spotify authorization flows for UWP apps.
Fluent Sql builder is a package that allows developers to build a Sql Command or Sql Statement with Parameters using a strongly typed system similiar to LINQ without the hassle of maintaining a db context.
FluentTextTable makes it easy to use a text table that also supports full-width characters!
Library for configuring the Unity IoC container using conventions with a fluent syntax
FluentValidation Extensions