Top 20 NuGet Packages

Use FlatFiles to generate MVC ActionResults.
FlatSharp.Runtime is the runtime component of FlatSharp that supports code emitted by the FlatSharp.Compiler package.
Performance-optimized unsafe extensions to the FlatSharp package.
Library that acts as an adapter for White to FlaUI.
Library that provides some helper classes and methods for easier testing with FlaUI.
Flavor is a library for parsing and manipulating FLV files from .NET.
Shockwave Flash File [Dis]Assembler
Contains Windows Controls for logging output
Network Framework. Contains basic TCP server and TCP client, Simple WebSocket, HTTP, IGMP clients and servers and some useful helpers
Pugins Framework. Contains Plugin Manager and base plugin classes
Contains Windows Controls that can be used in Flekosoft.Common.Plugins
A light object relational mapper for F# record types. Mono SQLite provider.
A small and extensible dependency injection/IoC container based on BoDi.
A compatible drop-in replacement for the BoDi dependency injection/IoC container using FlexDi.
FLexer is a F# Lexer and Parser dedicated to ease of use and expressiveness in creating custom recursive-descent parsers.
Package Description
A Flexible Html Helper Library for ASP.NET Mvc
A library to make the .NET implementation of Selenium Webdriver easier to work with.
This library provides extended cache capabilities to the ASP.NET applications. It includes the MongoDB and SQL Server output cache providers extending ASP.NET Output Cache capabilities by allowing to store cached data outside of the application process that is especially important in web-farm scena...
Lightweight but rich data grid with resizable columns and a scrolling data to match the headers, plus an ability to connect to an xml based data source using Ajax to load the content. Similar in concept with the Ext Grid only its pure jQuery love, which makes it light weight and follows the jQuery ...