Top 20 NuGet Packages

Wox - a launcher for windows
FileIO and PathIO implementation for Windows Phone 8.
All WP7Contrib assemblies IL Merged into a single assembly. Third party assemblies have not been merged.
WP7Contrib UI controls assemblies, contains the UI controls, behaviours, transitions & more. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Contrib.View.Controls.dll WP7Contrib.View.Transitions.dll
WP7Contrib communication assemblies, for simplifying commuinication (HTTP) with application servers. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Contrib.Communications.dll
A static logger for WP7 written in C# contained in a single file for easy inclusion in any project. Part of Code Blocks (
A library to make it really easy to support tombstoning in the pages of a Windows Phone 7 Silverlight app.
WPath is a C# library to select Windows UI automation elements like XPath.
It is a library for manipulating MTP devices from C #.
A set of basic colour picking controls for WPF.
MVVM solution for efficent command definition and usage in WPF projects including a comfortable base view model and additional features.
WPF Contrib
A WPF theme which will make an application look like Blend
Generates fully working Wpf User Interface for any INotifyPropertyChaged based datacontext. Workflow support for Model subclass. See more at
Foundation framework for WPF Windows applications, designed to provide a quick and easy way to create a WPF application.
WPF interactivity trigger, running actions when swipe and/or tap gestures are detected.
Interface for the WPF helper method - Add-in X
A very simple WPF library for making questionnaires
The WPF Sound Visualization Library is a collection of WPF Controls for graphically displaying data related to sound processing. Current controls include a Spectrum Analyzer, Waveform Timeline, and an Album Art Display Panel.