Top 20 NuGet Packages

Wyam is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator. This library provides a common set of abstractions to make writing extensions easier.
A theme for the Wyam Blog recipe.
Simple wrapper for GZipStream
Socket based client/server for message exchange.
Library for easily paging through any IEnumerable/IQueryable in ASP.NET MVC. Package for ASP.NET MVC 4 and .NET 4.5
A TCP/UDP Server focusing on client session
X12 conversion class for converting x12 or flat files to Datatables
Open source specifications for X12 documents
Open source transformation services for X12 files
x2clr is the reference port of x2 written in C# targeting CLR (Common Language Runtime) environments such as .NET or Mono.
X2 Framework Runtime
Generates C# source code files out of x2 definition files.
X3270.Rest is a wrapper for the x3270 REST interface that enables you to remote control running x3270 terminal sessions.
Shared interfaces and extension methods for Performance Counters and Logging.
.NET library to write X86 asm, patch code at runtime, and marshal complex unmanaged structures.
Feature Toogles Library for .NET Core
Cross-platform library providing exclusive lock on file, with timeout functionality. Forked from: