Top 20 NuGet Packages

A PCL .NET 4.5 binding for the WolframAlpha API v2, providing an async-await friendly interface. Visit the Project Site for more information.
WOM is general-purpose rewarding platform based on a voucher exchange system. WOM stands for “Worth One Minute”: each WOM voucher rewards one minute of socially-valuable effort performed by an individual. This connector allows .NET projects of all kinds to act as a WOM Pocket, Instrument, Point of ...
.Net Library to consume Wonde REST Api
Jit Logger is a logger for core application. When Jit logger is used, the logs are availble as a web page. Having the logs as a web page, makes the logs quickly available to the developer. Having the logs quickly helps in developement, testing and debugging.
This is just wondies test package
Caching layer wrapping Microsoft.Extensions.Caching using MessagePack serialization
Woodman.EntityFrameworkCore.Bulk provides bulk operations for SQLServer, Npgsql, and In Memory Entity Framework providers.
Woof.Data PostgreSQL bindings.
MVVM Helpers: - ViewModelBase, - ObservableCollectionEx - FullyObservableCollection, - EventToCommand, - DependencyObject, FrameworkElement and Visual extensions ApplicationExtensions allowing registering disposable objects to dispose when application exits.
Functional primitives for Unity3D - inspired by csharp-monads, Haskell & F#
Functional primitives for Unity3D - inspired by csharp-monads, Haskell & F#
DotNet port of the ZConfig Configuration Library. Freatures XML/JSON configuration definitions. Read from local/remote locations. Nested Configuration files (included) Auto-wiring of Objects Auto-invoke ...
The woozle model generator creates POCO classes of your edmx model including additional features such as multi tenancy or managed concurrency.
The woozle entity framework repository and unit of work generator creates repository and unit of work classes of your edmx model which can be used to perform database operations. The generator includes additional features such as including additional features such as synchronizing an object to the e...
Easily create reports from Word documents without having Microsoft Word installed. Simple search and replace plus the ability to insert images and tables. Intelligent default formatting with easy to use overrides.
Generates random pronounceable words based on trigram probabilities.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for wordcloud. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: a11d013885ea072e6dba017ec5181eaf1ee152db].
Some personal modifications to a great NuGet package template for visual studio. Moved the files that should not be modified by the user to a NuGet package so that future improvements could be pulled into the project without having to recreate it
Abp Vnext 分布式缓存组件 1.去除多租户依赖 2.移除自动Key前缀添加