Top 20 NuGet Packages

Extension to inject Solyanka.ServiceBus to Microsoft.DependencyInjection
task for module 9
.NET wrapper for API
Nuget tool package for SonarQube scanner for .NET Core 2.0
Package Description
This package sets up ReferencePath property at Visual Studio project file to make access to enova assemblies.
This will add two integers
Write the given string to console.
unofficial SORACOM SDK for .NET
Sort large and small delimited or fixed width files by defined key(s) and direction with optional data filtering and progress reporting. Merge purge two files.
Simple owin file serving middleware.
Allows serving files from a zip file store.
Full featured SoundCloud API wrapper
Database adapter for SoundFingerprinting algorithm using LMDB database. It's fast, it's persistent and safe from data violation. This adapter does not support video fingerprinting!
SoundFingerprinting is a C# framework that implements an efficient algorithm of audio fingerprinting and identification. Designed for developers, enthusiasts, researchers in the fields of audio processing, data mining, digital signal processing.