Top 20 NuGet Packages

Callisto connector library
Callisto MassTransit integration
Abstractions library of Deimos
Http library
This package provides core abstractions
Contains interfaces for *Builder* design pattern implementation, both generic and non-generic.
Contains reusable components for *Chain-Of-Responsibility* design pattern implementation, namely different variations of chain element interfaces and their base implementations.
Contains interface for *Memento* design pattern implementation providing support for Undo-Redo functionality
Contains reusable components for *Visitor* design pattern implementation, namely different variations of acceptor interfaces.
Easy to use, powerful finite state machine implementation with a fluent configuration API. States are designed as classes that implement a specific interface, which provides a great freedom when designing the state machine. Solid.State can also be configured to use a state resolver, which is then re...
SOLID framework for code happy
Solidb is a Dynamic .NET micro ORM with change tracking observable objects.
MongoDB Distributed Cache For .net Core 3.1, session management for .net core
Utilities to help writing testable SOLID code
Libarary to do CQRS and EventSourcing
Community provided assembly for reading Solid Edge files.
An abstraction over several feature flag providers.
Package Description