Top 20 NuGet Packages

SpecDrill.MsTest - SpecDrill integration with MsTest
SpecDrill.NUnit - SpecDrill integration with NUnit 3
A SpecFlow plugin that provides a generic way to implement a custom DI container
This is a Specflow Master Plugin for SpecFlow 3
Set of classes for implementation Specification pattern
Implementation of the specification pattern.
SpecificatR contains generic repositories (Read/ReadWrite) for building a database infrastructure using EntityFramework Core 3.1 and using the Specification Pattern to create query models
Util Classes & Methods used in Spectacles.NET
Speech Exception Toolkit is a small framework that allows developers to manage in an organic and convenient manner th exceptions that you can get the use of the Speech API of Windows Phone 8
High performance database access library. Use the Speed application to generate data classes:
Library to use SpeedCurve API
This package is for avoid boiler plate code and get readable code easily. C# extension method libarary for efficient coding. You can write method chaining style easily and fit well with functional coding style.
The Spell Check API returns a list of words it does not recognize along with suggested replacements. Typically, you would submit text to this API and then either make the suggested replacements in the text or show them to the user of your application so they can decide whether to make the replac...
This package allows simluation / emulation of SharePoint 2013 farm solutions. The test project must be dotnet 4.5 or above and have support for microsoft fakes.
SPGenarator Generate CRUD Stored Procedure From Table In Sql Server. For More Info Please Visit: Sample: using (SqlHelper ado = new SqlHelper(@"Connection String")) { string tb = ado.GetTableName().FirstOrDefault(); var obj = ado.GetRecordInfo(tb); Generat...
General-purpose library for full-stack use. Provides support for Caching, Collections, Comparers, Converion, Environment, Events, Exceptions, IO, FileSystem, Lambdas, Logging, Math, Memory, Scopes, Text, Threading, Scheduling and many other aspects.
Spheroid Universe augmented reality – AR CLI