NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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AttributeRouting.Core.Web [2 dependencies]

Core functionality for AttributeRouting ASP.NET MVC and Web API packages.
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MightyLittleGeodesy [2 dependencies]

You can translate both ways between coordinate systems: RT90, SWEREF99 andWGS84. The WGS84 object can parse out positions from strings in DMS (degrees, minutes seconds, and DM (degrees, minutes) format. All in all it’s a pretty easy to use and powerful library.
Estimote SDK for Xamarin.iOS to actively scan for Bluetooth Beacons, Nearables, and Eddystones.
A storage engine provider for Couchbase Lite .NET that utilizies the system-installed SQLite library
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Rhythm.Parsing.Core [2 dependencies]

Package Description
SgmlReader part for ReadSharp.Core library
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WebClient [2 dependencies]

Web client is a wrapper around System.Net.Http.HttpClient
Provides access to DWARF symbols (for PE and ELF image containers) and also ability to read ELF core dumps. It is symbol provider and debugger engine interface for CsDebugScript.Engine.
Provides support for communication between Uwp and .NET Framework Desktop Bridge apps. .NET Framework apps should also install Nukepayload2.AppService.Desktop. UWP apps ought to install Nukepayload2.AppService.Uwp.
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Eshopworld.Telemetry [2 dependencies]

eShopWorld common telemetry application insights
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PureFreak.Collections [2 dependencies]

Some additinal collection and extensions.
This library provides XAML islands common helpers for WPF and WinForms. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
Package Description
Package Description
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AltV.Net.EntitySync [2 dependencies]

AltV .NET Core Entity Sync
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Redakt.Core.Utilities [2 dependencies]

Common utilities library for the Redakt Framework.
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Gxby.BYCore.Users.MongoDB [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Abstractions for fckrest.aspcore.ced