NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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EMoney Hashings SDK [2 dependencies]

Please visit for more information!
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OYMLCN.WeChat [2 dependencies]

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Com.AugustCellars.COSE [2 dependencies]

An implementation of the CBOR Object Signing and Encryption standards.
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Aop.Net.Log [2 dependencies]

AOP Logging library for .NET
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Swashbuckle.Swagger.Master [2 dependencies]

Core components for Swashbuckle - a Swagger toolchain for ASP.NET Core
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Gabriel.Cat.S.Binaris [2 dependencies]

Sirve para serializar fácilmente.
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ILogger for xUnit [2 dependencies]

This library provides Microsoft.Extensions.Logging support for Xunit.
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Bp.Common [2 dependencies]

Provide common Functions, Dtos, Models, Constants and such
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Wp.Identity.Dto [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Log in with Veracity Identity in applications.
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StreamRpc [2 dependencies]

A fork of StreamJsonRPC, a cross-platform .NET portable library that implements the JSON-RPC wire protocol, with minimal dependencies and a MessagePack serializer.
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ACUtils.FileUtils [2 dependencies]

Collezione di utility varie
Abstractions for Command Query Responsability Segregation with Mediator, supporting Dependency Injection and extensible middleware based pipelines.
Package Description
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Defender.Trials [2 dependencies]

Original NSIS binaries packed in a Nuget package
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XYS.Utils.Json [2 dependencies]

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MegaNavV8 Core [2 dependencies]

A flexible, draggable link picker for constructing site navigation menus, big or small, in Umbraco
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AzureTackle [2 dependencies]

Thin F# API for AzureTackle for easy data access to AzureTackle database with functional seasoning on top.