NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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DuoVia.FuzzyStrings [2 dependencies]

A Collection of Fuzzy String Algorithms for .NET. Partially derived from multiple open sources. See individual algorithm classes for attributions.
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rangoric.three.js [2 dependencies]

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MetroTrilithon [2 dependencies]

Utilities for any apps (.NET Standard)
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Dub.Web.Core [2 dependencies]

The Core library for the Dub project
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System.Drawing.OCR [2 dependencies]

C# bindings for Firebase APIs Dynamic Links iOS Library
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RoslynDom [2 dependencies]

CHIMP camera metadata base writers
Proactive data access messaging NetStandard package
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Ripple.Signing [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Librame.Extensions [2 dependencies]

Based .NET Standard on common static extension package.
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M2m.EntityFramework.Common [2 dependencies]

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TheMotleyFool.Transcripts [2 dependencies]

Provides access to earnings call transcripts from The Motley Fool.
An abp application module group that provides basic e-shop service.
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Cloudtoid.Framework [2 dependencies]

This is a common set of utility classes that is shared across cloudtoid
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GXBY.Abp.UI.Navigation [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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MORC.Generic [2 dependencies]

MORC generic
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Simple.Abp.Articles.Domain [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Proteus.Vsm [2 dependencies]

Visimark core components