NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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slf4net.log4net [2 dependencies]

slf4net facade for the log4net logging framework
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SolidEdge.Community [2 dependencies]

Community provided package for automating Solid Edge.
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Naos.Database.Migrator [2 dependencies]

Created on 2018-10-12 15:52
Defines attributes for assemply pre-processing
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ProjectD [2 dependencies]

Buffered email trace listener extension for System.Diagnostics, along with required config sections. Adds formatted trace messages to a buffer and sends an email when the process exits, or on request. Other Essential.Diagnostics packages extend the .NET Framework System.Diagnostics trace logg...
Application Insights module for service fabric applications. This package provides automatic decoration of telemetry with the service fabric context the application is running in. Do not use this nuget for Native Service Fabric applications, use Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.ServiceFabric.Native pac...
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MooYu.EntityFrameworkCore [2 dependencies]

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Akka.Persistence.Streaming [2 dependencies]

Framework for creating Persistence Plug-Ins based on Stream data-stores.
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SVN.Tasks [2 dependencies]

SVN Framework
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Hyphenate.iOS.Lib [2 dependencies]

Xamarin Binding for Hyphenate iOS Library 3.5.3(0) - 添加NullAllowed修饰 - 给继承于EMFileMessageBody的子类添加构造方法 - 添加静态类DefineConstants,包含#define定义 - 添加EMOptions+PrivateDeploy 扩展
A thin client library for Cimpress' Tagliatelle service.
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IRO.AndroidActivity [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Afterbunny.UI.WPF [2 dependencies]

A lightweight Dark/Light-switching UI library
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Zny.ServiceClient.Common [2 dependencies]

Classes for filing work items in either GitHub or AzureDevOps.
Package Description
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DrOn.Abp.Web.Common [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Smartway.Os [2 dependencies]

Package Description