NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Geo [2 dependencies]

A geospatial library for .NET
Makes capturing, saving, and displaying signatures extremely simple.
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WebSharper.Owin-1.0 [2 dependencies]

WebSharper Sitelets module for Owin 1.0
Set of classes, modules and libraries for easier implementation of features.
Helpers for downloading content from the cdorst-dev CDN
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ZmqNet.Api.Contract [2 dependencies]

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Sextant [2 dependencies]

A ReactiveUI navigation library for Xamarin.Forms
Abstractions to platform information
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Data.Dump.Engine [2 dependencies]

A C# data dump engine for easy creation of data extractions based on any dataset or poco, with a low memory footprint.
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ConvertHelper [2 dependencies]

Conversões e Formatações para auxiliar o desenvolvimento
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FazelMan.Core.Domain.Dto [2 dependencies]

Part of the MetaSaver framework that handles application configuration including a strongly types AppSettings
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Adient.Core.Foundation [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Applyze Authentication implementation for AspNetCore.
Package Description
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EonLib.Data.TypeSystem [2 dependencies]

EonLib. Data type system components.
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Tki.Abp.RabbitMQ [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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BlurHashSharp [2 dependencies]

BlurHash encoder for working with raw bitmaps in memory.
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Egorozh.ColorPicker.Core [2 dependencies]

ColorPicker Shared Library for WPF and Avalonia packages