NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Shaman.Stemming [2 dependencies]

Low-allocation version of Snowball stemmers.
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JsonApiDotNetCore [2 dependencies]

A framework for building JSON:API compliant REST APIs using ASP.NET and Entity Framework Core. Includes support for Atomic Operations. The ultimate goal of this library is to eliminate as much boilerplate as possible by offering out-of-the-box features such as sorting, filtering and pagination. You ...
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Swashbuckle.Examples [2 dependencies]

Adds the SwaggerRequestExample and SwaggerResponseExample attribute for Swashbuckle. This will populate the example property of a schema object in the output swagger.
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RockLib.Immutable [2 dependencies]

Various classes related to immutability.
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PSReptile [2 dependencies]

This package contains attributes used to drive generation of MAML-format help for Powershell modules.
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Serilog.Enrichers.Dynamic [2 dependencies]

Enrich Serilog log events with Dynamic properties
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Aguacongas.Firebase [2 dependencies]

Firebase client for .NetStandard2.0 and .NetFramework 4.6.2
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Acb.MiddleWare.Net [2 dependencies]

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Xamarin.Grpc.OkHttp [2 dependencies]

.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) Bindings for Google's GRPC OkHttp package
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MessageBox.Avalonia [2 dependencies]

Messagebox for AvaloniaUI
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Tm.Lib.Data.Abstractions [2 dependencies]

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Ran.Assets.HttpApi [2 dependencies]

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Interop.Sb6ent [2 dependencies]

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Quamotion.DiscUtils.Xva [2 dependencies]

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EasyAbp.Abp.Aliyun.Common [2 dependencies]

ABP vNext阿里云SDK模块,公共设施库。
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Dryva.DynamicProxy [2 dependencies]

A simple library for generating dynamic anonymous objects.
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Ximo.Cqrs [2 dependencies]

A toolset of selected extensions and utilities to assist with learning/development tasks revolving around CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation).