NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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LinFu.Core [2 dependencies]

A framework that adds mixins, inversion of control, DbC, and other language features to the Common Language Runtime.
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PDQ.Framework [2 dependencies]

PDQ Framework
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JWT for .NET Standard [2 dependencies]

JWT (JSON Web Token) Implementation for .NET (Public Domain). Ported to .NET Standard. Based on version 1.3.4 of JWT
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ZXing.Net.Bindings.Magick [2 dependencies]

ZXing.Net Bindings for ImageMagick - use ImageMagick with ZXing.Net for barcode reading
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Moonrise.Utils.Standard [2 dependencies]

General utilities I've found useful as I go about my day-to-day work. Particular highlights include; Extensions.EnumExtensions : "Modifiable" description attributes with parsing from descriptions to associated enum value. Extensions.DateTimeExtensions : Neat little <DateTime var>.Within ...
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Aurochses.Xunit [2 dependencies]

Aurochses.Xunit is a library for creating xUnit tests.
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Lucene.Net.Join [2 dependencies]

Index-time and Query-time joins for normalized content of the Lucene.NET full-text search engine library from The Apache Software Foundation. Documentation: This package is part of the Lucene.NET project:
Lucene29 Common library for the sensenet platform containing server-side elements, most importantly the generic search engine.
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Grit.Authentication.Core [2 dependencies]

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Cogito.Json [2 dependencies]

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Lusa [2 dependencies]

It providers basic feautures for application devlop. There are Module/Feature, IOC and Object Mapper. IoC is implemented by Autofac. Object Mapper is implemented by AutoMapper.
SDMX library .A common library and programming API for working with SDMX data and structural metadata. This is a port from Java of Eurostat's fork of Metadata Technologies SdmxSource v1.1.4.
Interfaces for Application Services
This package provides System Plugin for file transactions in CoreKraft.
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GACore [2 dependencies]

Core components for Guidance Automation assemblies.
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BlazorFabric.Panel [2 dependencies]

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EventBus.Base.Standard [2 dependencies]

A base library for EventBus.RabbitMQ.Standard and EventBus.AzureServiceBus.Standard
KmopoFramework Module Common(通用模块) - Infrastructure
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FluentCommander.SqlServer [2 dependencies]

Fluent API for executing asynchronous database commands
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