NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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TwitterBootstrapMVC - MVC4 [2 dependencies]

Fluent implementation of ASP.NET-MVC HTML helpers for Twitter Bootstrap. This library aids developers in writing Twitter Bootstrap related html code faster.
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Spark.Sitecore [2 dependencies]

Extensions to the base Container4AspNet framework to enable configuration of Castle Windsor.
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考生管理 [2 dependencies]

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EntityFramework.Rx [2 dependencies]

Reactive extension wrappers for hot observables of Entity Framework entities
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PokemonGoDesktop.API.Proto [2 dependencies]

Pokemon Go Protobuf classes maintained by HelloKitty on Github.
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Pentagon.Base [2 dependencies]

Abstractions supporting extending MonoGame with additional geometry operations. Forked from the popular Nuclex Framework.
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Toolkit.Uwp [2 dependencies]

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Matterplex.Core [2 dependencies]

Common Util Methods, Extensions, Plus Dataflow Primitives for Reactive-like Programming
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SSH.NET.Fork [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Prebuild binaries for V8 JavaScript Engine.
Provides a set of features making it possible to emulate C++ Variants for dotnet.
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Std.App.Com.Dto [2 dependencies]

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NovaPagedList [2 dependencies]

Pagination library for .NET projects, built using the latest technologies.
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Leeax.Web.Components.DOM [2 dependencies]

Provides functionality to interact and modifying the DOM.