NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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FlitBit.ObjectIdentity [2 dependencies]

Dynamically emitted, stereotypical implementation of object identity.
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Funq [2 dependencies]

this package contains the assembly to reference Funq which is a high performance DI framework.
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Sasha.Exceptions [2 dependencies]

Do not waste your time and effort to validate your variables and throw exceptions, just use Sasha.Exceptions
1. Source code can be download from 2. Code style guideline for VisualBasic of this runtime library at codeproject article: 3. Article about manipulate th...
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Wikiled.Core.Standard [2 dependencies]

Shared Library
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AspNet.Security.OAuth.QQ [2 dependencies]

ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling QQ authentication.
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MainApp.IconPack [2 dependencies]

WPF MainApp IconPacks
Package Description
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Rfc2253 [2 dependencies]

Accepts and parses strings in the format of an RFC 2253 Distinguished Name, and optionally normalizes them for direct comparison of equivalency. This project is a .NET Standard 1.3 solution to parse LDAP (or X.509) Distinguished Names and optionally normalize them so that two (or more) Distinguishe...
MvxExtensions provide a set of libraries that extend the awesome MvvmCross framework. This package contains the Notification plugin of MvxExtensions that provides notification capabilities For more info check the documentation
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CoralogixCoreSDK [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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OrchardCore MiniProfiler [2 dependencies]

Orchard Core Framework is an application framework for building modular, multi-tenant applications on ASP.NET Core. Provide features to add [Mini Profiler] to troubleshoot performance issues.
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Cerberix.DataAccess [2 dependencies]

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BlazorFluentUI.BFUText [2 dependencies]

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Xunit.Extensions.Core [2 dependencies]

Xunit extensions core