NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Markov [2 dependencies]

A Markov chain library, made to support scenarios anywhere from text generation to stock market simulation.
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Splunk PCL Client for .NET [2 dependencies]

This package contains the Splunk Portable Client for consuming Splunk's API.
Reusable EntityFramework.Core functional tests for provider writers.
Interfaces and classes that provide NHibernate 3.3 support in Spring.Net
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Syncfusion.SfGauge.UWP46 [2 dependencies]

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Z.Nlayer.Repository [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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dym.Rpc.Client [2 dependencies]

Extensions on top of the OpenTracing APIs, following the OpenTracing Semantic Conventions spec.
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Inm.Base [2 dependencies]

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Allcom.Application.Base [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Alamut.AspNet [2 dependencies]

A set of tools, utilities, and extensions for ASP.NET Core
ASP.NET Core library with IWebHostBuilder Single Tenant and Multitenant Autofac Extensions
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MagicCryptoCore [2 dependencies]

Easy Encrypt and Decrypt Strings
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StockSharp.Yahoo [2 dependencies]

Yahoo Finance
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Func [2 dependencies]

A library designed to expand C#'s functional programming capabilities including railway-oriented programming
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Platformus.Website [2 dependencies]

The Platformus.Website extension component.