NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Manwe.UserDomain [2 dependencies]

User domain library for Manwe
ExpressiveAnnotations is a small .NET and JavaScript library which provides full-stack annotation-based conditional validation mechanisms. Given attributes, powered by expressions engine, allow to forget about imperative way of step-by-step verification of validation conditions in many cases. Since ...
This client library enables client applications using Windows Azure Mobile Services to enable offline workflows using a backing SQLite Database. For more information, check out DEPRECATED: Azure Mobile Services is now deprecated in favor of Azure Mobile Apps. T...
Signed Xamarin Google Play Services - Location assemblies for Intersoft Crosslight.
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MindSung.Caching [2 dependencies]

MindSung.Caching is a library that defines an injectable interface and implementations for providing shared cache services.
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Excel Helpers [2 dependencies]

Shortcut extensions for DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet classes Расширения-шорткоды для классов из библиотеки DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet
Package Description
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Cartomatic.Utils [2 dependencies]

some utils simplifying common tasks use at your own risk...
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Levero.DeviceService.Core [2 dependencies]

Device Service Host which can load devices at runtime by configuration
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Lykke.Numerics [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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BHoM_Engine [2 dependencies]

Tools and algorithms to manipulate BHoM objects
Package Description
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uormclient [2 dependencies]

see MYeORM package
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Xoredge.OData [2 dependencies]

Build and parse OData queries using .Net
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Zideun.DFeBR.EmissorNFe [2 dependencies]

Novo framework para emissão e logística de documentos fiscais para a plataforma .NET, compatível com .NET Core e .NET 4.x
Provides AppCore .NET Entity Framework Core 3 event queue.