NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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FTTK Core Library [2 dependencies]

FT Toolkit Core library to access Fotolia Services
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Xrm.Framework.Test [2 dependencies]

xRM Framework Test Library for Dynamics CRM 2015
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GemsCommon [2 dependencies]

zxm.AspNetCore.WebApi.Result.Abstractions is zxm.AspNetCore.WebApi.ResultExtenstion abstractions.
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NetCoreEx.Source [2 dependencies]

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Recombee API Client [2 dependencies]

.Net client (SDK) for easy use of the Recombee recommendation API
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ZLIS.Cos.Core [2 dependencies]

COS Core lib for .NET 4.6.1
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X12.Specifications [2 dependencies]

Open source specifications for X12 documents
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Logitar.Net.Http [2 dependencies]

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Hunter.Identity.Constant [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Horarium [2 dependencies]

Horarium is the .Net library to manage background jobs
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Sem.Data.SprocAccess [2 dependencies]

Very simple ORM for accessing named result sets / SPROCs - see Sem.Data.SprocAccess.SqlServer or Sem.Data.SprocAccess.FileSystem. The interface IDatabase implements a single method that executes a SPROC and returns an IAsyncEnumerable by mapping each row into a plain old C# object (POC...
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Waher.Runtime.Text [2 dependencies]

Class library for working with text and text documents, particularly find differences between texts, or sequences of symbols, or mapping strings to a harmonized set of strings (or tokens).
The Xamarin.Forms MaterialFrame aims at delivering out of the box modern popular theming such as: * Light * Dark * Acrylic * AcrylicBlur The AcrylicBlur theme also provides three different blur styles inherited from the iOS UIVisualEffectView: * Light * ExtraLight * Dark On Android, ...
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SIRL's Core SDK [2 dependencies]

This is the Xamarin Binding project for the SIRL Core SDK providing SIRL Locationing tools including BLE location detection and positioning .
Xamarin Binding Library - Huawei Hms ML Agc SDK. This SDK is a dependency of various Huawei Hms SDKs and is not intended to be used directly.
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WFw [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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MetroFramework.NetCore [2 dependencies]

MetroFramework .netcore version. support .net framework too.