Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Rx-Main

Total dependencies: 275

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KanColle connection proxy and data wrapper.
Adds the missing GetAwaiter extension methods for IObservable on .Net 4.0 with Microsoft.Bcl
The .NET 4.0 package of reactiveui-core fork with .NET 4.0 support. An MVVM library for .NET that is deeply integrated with the Reactive Extensions
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for Xamarin iOS Unified.
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for the Android Support library v7.AppCompat.
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for the Android Support library v4.
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for Android.
Uses Rx v2.5.5
A mobile app framework built on top of ReactiveUI.
A way to fluently sync relationships between C# objects
LINQ to OWIN is middleware that allows you to code your Katana/OWIN web applications as a set of reactive queries using Rx (Reactive Extensions) for .NET.
.NET Portable Class Library for generic service pooling.
Microsoft Azure Service Bus transport support for the Obvs Framework.
Falcor.NET router implementation. To use Falcor on the server, use the Falcor.Server.Owin package.
A high performance fully-async Micro-ORM for ADO.NET.
SSE Push Library for NEC BaaS SDK