Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Rx-Main

Total dependencies: 275

C# wrapper around the Slack API using Reactive Extensions. Taut is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Slack Technologies, Inc.
Redis PubSub to Observable.
Common functionality
An extension library for Windows Azure Service Bus.
The Perspex UI framework
The Perspex UI framework
The Perspex UI framework
The Perspex UI framework
This is the base package for RxApp that is used to build platform agnostic view models. Additional platform specific packages are available that support databinding view models to platform specific views.
Client library for integration with iikoFront.NET, third version.
A library for composing the handling for streams of messages.
Small, simple open-source C# animation library built using the reactive extensions framework, utilizing Robert Penner's easing functions. Does not make use of reflection, instead allowing the caller to use a function/monad/observer to update their desired object. Contains methods for animating Wind...
Simple Flow Control Library with Rx(Reactive Extensions). MIT License.
A library for making hipchat bots.
Silverlight client for connecting to Redis
Hi Guys! You can find the source code at Project Site: Our team really love to work with Rx and it helps a lot in our development. And we implemented some add-on extensions which are helpful for us. So let me share with you guys!
A library to read and write to GPIO ports on linux using Reactive Extensions
The source code for wrapping libgit2sharp in asynchrony - unless you're building LibGit2Sharp from source, this isn't the package you want