Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Rx-Main

Total dependencies: 275

The Cloud Application Framework & Extensions (CloudFx) is a Swiss Army knife for Windows Azure developers which offers a set of production quality components and building blocks intended to jump-start the implementation of feature-rich, reliable and extensible Windows Azure-based solutions and servi...
Mexedge Dsl Explorer exposes an alternative to the default language explorer generated by Visual Studio Modeling SDK, offering a new tree explorer in WPF technology with an extended search feature.
A C#-based system-level design framework with VHDL output
The TraceEvent library allows users to control ETW logging and System.Diagnostic.Tracing.EventSource logging. This package contains sample uses of the library. Simply add it to your app (or a new console app). Call TraceEventSamples.AllSamples.Run() to run the samples. See the _ReadMe.txt to...
Base classes for serving Opc data onto the web.
Log transfer provider. Provides a transport to push logs to a remote locaiton
Collection of presentation controls
Pipeline Extensions for Reactive Extensions.
Common code to build a strong foundation.