Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

Common library for Generic Web API
The SDK for developing against the ManyWho platform APIs using .NET
Web Automation Test Common Library
Automation framework for frontend/backend testing.
SibaCore is a multipurpose framework built for the perculiar needs of BIC Technologies and seeks to make working with a data layer as easy as possible. With the help of our custom built generic repository, all CRUD functionalities are abtracted away from the programmer to reduce repetitive cod...
ASP.NET core middleware for providing a Service Registry
Simple AOP Exception handler for .Net Controller classes integrated with Serilog.
Manage and push to Firebase push subscriptions using the PushServer framework for ASP.NET Core 2. This plugin extends the PushServer to store Firebase tokens, and send push notifications to them.
Framework for building actors networks
Framework for building actors networks
SDK for API service
Skybrud.Umbraco.ContextMenu.Media is a package for downloading media-folder in one-click in Umbraco
C# client connects to CoinMarketCap Pro API
EventBus RabbitMQ implementation.
1:增加Excel读取为DTO对象功能 2:增加了一些扩展方法(比如两个字典或两个集合比较是否相等的扩展方法...)
Mongo DB repository, managers, base models and interfaces for any Mongo data projects