Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

Library to methods utilities to developmets
A Xamarin wrapper around Google Map APIs for Droid
Netherum.Signer.Trezor provides the External Signing capability for Ethereum transactions and Messages using Trezor Hardware wallets
Netherum.Signer.Ledger provides the External Signing capability for Ethereum transactions and Messages using Ledger Hardware wallets
Netherum.Signer.AzureKeyVault provides the External Signing capability for Ethereum transactions and Messages using Azure Key Vault
A client SDK for Congether
MySql light server for tests
A LINQ to FetchXML web-api query provider which supports many scenarios unsupported by the Dynamics SDK's implementation.
An library implementing Connection Scan Algorithm for routing of Public Transport networks, based on Linked Data
ASP.NET core middleware for providing a Service Repository
Ched Core Library
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برای آسان سازی ساختاری در کار با قابلیت هویت سنجی
Patterns library for implementing entity structural and adapter pattern.
DPB is a tool that allows developers to automatically generate project code. You can add annotations to the code templates, and use DPB to automatically filter or generate code to build a complete new project.