Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

Biblioteca de metodos basico para MVC
Biblioteca de metodos basico para NHibernate
基于阅小说的公开API创建的.NET SDK
Core UI Library for ChilliSource.Mobile framework
UI Library for ChilliSource.Mobile framework
SIoC.WebApi is a the dependency resolver for WebApi applications.
Utility library for generating TypeScript hub definitions for a Signalr assembly.
Media library for ChilliSource.Mobile
This package adds Phone Manager Field types to Umbraco Forms.
A custom Umbraco Forms workflow to allow users to save a new marketing contact to a Bronto ( contact and associated list, using the Bronto SOAP Api. The workflow allows mapping between Bronto fields and the Umbraco form fields.
Components for providing real-time bi-directional communication across the Web.
Client for ASP.NET Core SignalR
Real-time communication framework for ASP.NET Core.
Common serialiation primitives for SignalR Clients Servers json serializer for dependency injection service
Navis SDK Core
Package Description
Package Description
Ripple.APICore is a C# NetStandard 2.0 client implementation for the Ripple WebSocket APIs.
ClashOfClans is a .NET library for accessing the Supercell's Clash of Clans API. This library provides easy to use API, strongly typed models, takes care of API throttling and supports multiple API tokens.