Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

.NET libraries for interfacing with's APIs, including embeding tables and modifying data.
A strongly-typed enumeration of states and provinces extending the NeoSmart.Geographical library and interfaces.
Interfaces for representing location data and a strongly-typed static enumeration of the world's countries with their abbreviations. ISO Abbreviation, country codes, UN abbreviations, and more.
Provides integration of Serilog into AppCore .NET
Provides integration of FluentValidation into AppCore .NET
Provides integration of data annotations validation into AppCore .NET
Provides AppCore .NET abstractions for validation.
Provides the AppCore .NET events storage API default implementation.
Adds logging to AppCore .NET events.
Provides AppCore .NET event serialization using Newtonsoft.Json.
Provides default AppCore .NET logging implementations.
Provides integration of the StructureMap dependency injection container into AppCore .NET
Provides AppCore .NET dependency context assembly reflection extensions to the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection framework.
Provides integration of the Autofac dependency injection container into AppCore .NET
Provides default AppCore .NET hosting implementations.
Adds [AutoData] and [InlineData] attribute support to MSTest V1 unit tests.
Provides default AppCore .NET event implementations.
Publishes logs from an application instance in a standard way to a mongo db instance where they are consumed by the hunter ui. Its part of the hunter centralized logging platform.
Provides the mechanism to sync threads over results.
Win32 API bindings for terminals.