Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

Implementation of neural network structure.
Cross-platform .NET 4.0 / .NET Standard 1.6 component which receives SQL Server table changes into your .net code. Take a look how it works:
Extends CloudflareSolverRe, contains captcha providers (2Captcha, AntiCaptcha) that helps solving cloudflare captcha challenge.
Serilog sink that writes to console with high-performance non-blocking output.
Small and simple set of classes that allows storing multiple files in one
Package with WCF callback interface and implementation for accessing client logs remotely FROM SERVER (useful for diagnostics to see what is happenned on client side). Independent from log subsystem (NLog, Serilog, log4net and others)
Great for scripting (and cheating)
.NET Task / ValueTask helpers for compositioning frustration free.
Solution to various problems writing F#
A type-safe enum pattern (aka "smart enum") implementation including "smart constant" as well.
.NET Client for Facebook Messenger Platform. GitHub Repository:
Contains generic definition of widely used queries for retrieving single or range of objects
Contains generic definition of widely used command for create/update/delete operations
Personal fork of AdamHathcock's SharpCompress, with minor changes for personal use. For more info, please visit Adam's project at
Monobank API wrapper
Microsoft Azure Attestation Library
Provides developers with libraries for the Alerts Management
OAuth Token Client Library.
A custom stepper for Xamarin Forms with round + / - buttons and a value displayed in between them. Max value, increment value, button color and label color can all be customised.
A simple .NET library for versioned signatures.